Vitamin - E
It is an anti-sterilitic factor.
Source of Vitamin - E
Animal :-
Butter etc....
Lettuce and other green and leafy vegetables and soyabeen, ,corn ,seed oil etc........
Daily requirements : 15 -20 i.u
Function of Vitamin - E
1. It has anti-oxidative effect and prevents unwanted oxidation inside the body.
2. It is essential for normal reproductive life.
3. It prevents muscular dystrophy.
4. It maintains tissue integrity .
Deficiency syndrome
1.R.B.S's resistance to rapture is decreased
2. Sterility occurs both in male and female i.e. loss of re productivity .
3.Habitual abortion occurs in female.
Vitamin - D
Vitamin -D1 Calciferol
Vitamin -D2 Ergo - Calcifrerol
Vitamin -D3 Chole -Calciferol
Source of Vitamin -D
Fish liver oil
Sea fish ( Salmon, Tuna, Hering )
Milk products like butter, cheese etc
Yeast and food / vegetables irradiated with ultraviolet ray.
Nature:- Ultraviolet ray of sunlight converts Ergo-calciferol and 7-dehydro cholestrerol into Ergo-calciferol and colecalciferol respectively in the skin.
Daily Requirements :-
400 i.u. for adult.
600 - 800 i.u in pregnancy and lactation
Function of Vitamin - D
1. Vitamin -D regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorous from the intestinal tract.
2. Vitamin -D also helps in the calcification of new bone and development of teeth .
3. Vitamin -D is necessary for the proper growth of bone . This is why it is also know as anti-ricketic vitamin.
Deficiency of Syndrome
1. Mild deficiency causes insufficient utilization of calcium and phosphorous in developing cartilage and newly formed bones and teeth.
2. In severe deficiency it causes ricket in children and osteomalacia in adult .
In ricket , the newly growing bones become abnormal in shape and structure such as bow legs
, knocky knees , enlargment of the ends of the bones etc. But in osteo malacia it is marked by increasing softness of the bones so that they become flexible and brittle thus causing deformities.
Posted by Unknown
Vitamin - A
About Vitamin- A :
Vitamin -A occure in the animal tissue in the from of retinol but in plant , it is found as provitamin which is a yellow-red carotinoid pigment and is converted into vitamin -a in the liver.
Animal :- Liver
Fish liver oil (cod liver oil, shark liver oil etc )
Flesh of the oily fish
Milk &
Milk products like butter , cheese, ghee etc.
Plant :-
Green leafy vegetable like
Green leafy vegetable like
pui shak.
Lal shak
Kalmi shak
Yellow or red vegetable or fruit like,
Sweet potato
Ripe papya
Daily Requirements :
5000 i.u adult.
6000-8000 i.u pregnancy and lactation
Function :
1. It is an essential component of rdopsin and promotes cyclic resynthesis of visul purple thus helps in night vision .
2. It is essential for growth and also maintains the integrity and activity of epithelial tissue and gland .
3. It is also essential for reproduction.
4. It helps in the maintenance of resistance to infection .
5. It plays stabilizing role on the normal permeability to lysosome and mitochondria.
What is Vitamins ?
Vitamin may be defined as organic chemical substance, minute quantity of which is required and essential for the growth, development and maintenance of body . Only a few vitamins are synthesized in human body . As for example : vitamin K is synthesized in the body by intestinal symbiotic bacteria . Other than , vitamin D is synthesized in the skin by ultraviolet ray .
Types of Vitamins :
According to the solubility ,Vitamin may be classified into ;
1. Fat soluble vitamins
2. Water soluble vitamins
Fat soluble vitamins:
Fat soluble vitamins are those which are soluble in fat soluble solvent .They are easily stored within the body for a long time in the liver and subcutaneous tissue. They are ----
a) Vitamin A or Retinol
b) Vitamin D or Calciferol
c) Vitamin E or Tocopherol
d) Vitamin K or Anti- haemorrhagic factor.
Water soluble vitamin : -
Water soluble vitamins are those which are soluble in water . They cannot be stored in the body more than 48 to 72 hours . They are..
a) Vitamin B complex.
b) Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid .
pic: Vitamins
Daily Requirements Of different Vitamins :
Vitamin Normal pregnant Mother
Vitamin A 5000 i.u 6000- 8000 i.u
Vitamin D 400 i.u 500 - 800 i.u
Vitamin E 15 -20 i.u
8-10 mg daily
Vitamin K It is synthesized within the body according to
the requirement . But incase of hemorrhagic
disease 5 mg is administered orally or in injection from .
Vitamin C 45 mg.
Vitamin B Complex
B1 Thiamin 1.2mg 1.6 mg
B2 Riboflavin 1.5mg 1.8 mg
B3 Pantathonic acid 5-10 mg
B5 Nicotinic acid 12-18mg
B6 Pyridoxin 2 mg 2-5 mg
B12 Cyano cobalomin 3mg 4-5 mg
Niacin 2mg
Biotin 1.2 - 2.4mg
Folic acid 0.4mg
Greater will be the person's size ,greater will be the requirement . In growing children requirement is greater.
Gutta Percha ( G.P )
Gutta Percha :
Gutta percha is -
* Elastic type of impression material
* Root Canal Filling material
* Chemically it is an isomer of rubber
Source of G.P:
Gutta percha is obtain from the milky juice of various Malaysian Sapotaceous tree especially Balaquium Gutta as latex by the process of tapping the juice thus obtained by tapping coagulated by boiling in water
purification :
It is very important to purify G.P as completely as possible other wise it becomes oxidize & distort its property rapidly The purification is done by washing the crude gutta percha in hot water when the heavier particles settle to the bottom and the lighters are float then removed. Then it is heated by steam , while soft it is made into sticks, cones or blocks of the required size &shape.
pic:- Gutta percha
pic:- Gutta percha
Composition of Gutta percha :
1. Gutta
2. Resinous Substance 20% - 30%
3.Some elastic material also incorporated with it ,as
c) Fatty acid
Properties of Gutta percha:
Normally it is hard at hot water or heat it becomes soft & plastic & can be easily moulded. On cooling it again becomes hard.
Normally it is hard at hot water or heat it becomes soft & plastic & can be easily moulded. On cooling it again becomes hard.
It is insoluble in water & partially soluble in ether , alcohol, or acetone.
It is insoluble in water & partially soluble in ether , alcohol, or acetone.
This is completely dissolved in chlorofrom , Carbon tetra chloride or carbon-di sulfide.
This is completely dissolved in chlorofrom , Carbon tetra chloride or carbon-di sulfide.
It is radio opaque .
It is radio opaque .
It flowers under the stresses of mastication .
It does not seal the margin of cavity tightly which tends to increase the sensibility of the dentin.
It is inert & porous in nature .
It flowers under the stresses of mastication .
It does not seal the margin of cavity tightly which tends to increase the sensibility of the dentin.
It is inert & porous in nature .
Friday, July 19, 2013
Posted by Unknown
About Dental Caries:
Dental caries is a pathogenic process of microbial etiology that result into localized destruction of tooth tissues.
It is a multi-factorial disease involving the following factors:
1. The host -particularly saliva and teeth.
ii. The microflora and their substrate.
iii. Diet
iv. Time .
so, caries requires a susceptible host a cariogenic oral flora and a suitable substrate , all of which must be present together for a sufficient length of time .
Dental caries
Type of Dental Caries
Caries are of different types------
* Pits and Fissure caries.
** Smooth surface caries
*** Root caries
**** Deep dentinal caries
Dental caries
Prevention of Dental Caries:
We know , dental caries requires a susceptable host , a cariogenic oral flora and a suitable substrate, all of which must be present together for a sufficient length of time .
so ,caries prevention is based on the following attempt.....
a) By increasing the resistance of the host (By Fluoride therapy
Occusal sealants
Immunization )
b) By lowering the number of micro-organisms in contact with the tooth ( Plaque control by anti plaque agents )
c) Modification of the substrate by taking non cariogenic foodstuffs.
d) By reducing the time of the substrate to be in the mouth by limiting the frequency of intake as well as by increasing the frequency of mouth cleaning.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Posted by Unknown